I'm sitting here asking myself, "WHY HAVEN'T I SEEN THIS BEFORE!!"

If movies change lives, Les Misérables is one of those movies. WOW! God is good. He is in fact the author of mercy, and it is the mercy shown by Jean Valjean in this movie that blows me away. It's such a Christ-like example! I want to watch the movie again and take notes. I catch myself wanting to pattern my life by this example, but then I realize that this example should point me further. I have overlooked the story of Jesus' life. I should be blown away just as much and even more by the life that Jesus lived and the death He died. How merciful is our God! (even more merciful than Jean Valjean)

Jean was forgiven much and he lived in constant remembrance of the mercy he was shown. I want to be more like that. (Luke 7:47) I am completely inspired by Jean's actions towards Fantine, the prostitute.

"FANTINE- I'm a whore, and Cosette has no father.

JEAN -She has the Lord. He is her Father and you are His creation.
In His eyes you have never been anything but an innocent and beautiful woman."

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